an ode to my brothers

The time has arrived for the feminine to rise. We have resided in the rule of the masculine for a long time. Much has evolved and benefited greatly over this period. But the masculine has also taken on extreme attributes, leading us to places of imbalance and into a day and age where greed and exploitation are shockingly real.

As we wake to the dawn of the feminine, we must keep in mind that it is not an attempt to overthrow the masculine, but to bring harmony to an existence that is aching for it. The feminine paves a way of softness, of creativity and of beauty. As the feminine rises, the masculine will not die away. Oh please, we cannot let it! We need the masculine to bring strength to our softness, to draw commitment to our creativity and to build from beauty. No, the masculine will not die away, but this rising feminine will help to bring it into balance. What she’s really here to teach us is that masculine and feminine can reside side by side as complements to one another. Only when they are in balance, can they best serve their purpose. When these two forces are harmonised, we are sung a sweet song of wholeness and we thrive as a planet and as a people.

So, as the feminine begins to spread her wings, I acknowledge the men who are already living the truth of what is possible. I know that these men exist because I am lucky to have many of them as brothers. I honour them for embodying their highest and for paving the way for their brothers to do the same. I also thank them for supporting us women as we grow into what our bones already know. We will all feel shaky and at times we will stumble as navigate through this transition. But thank God we have each other.

Here’s to the man who sees beauty.
In your presence, I blossom.

Here’s to the man who is unafraid of ugliness.
In your presence, I feel whole.

Here’s to the man who is open minded.
In your presence, I feel accepted.

Here’s to the man who is connected to his body.
In your presence, I am turned on.

Here’s to the man who sees through the barriers of my heart.
In your presence, I crack open.

Here’s to the man who lets himself be seen.
In your presence, I see myself.

Here’s to the man who embodies masculinity.
In your presence, I feel held.

Here’s to the man who embraces his femininity.
In your presence, I am inspired to embrace mine.


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