Bird Medicine - a poem

May you wake as the sun offers day’s first light

And burst into song in life’s pure delight

For today is a day totally new 

It is the only day; made solely for you

Forest floors to discover, treetops to explore
All awaits your curiosity with no space to bore

Sing out for connection then get quiet and wait
Trust your call will be answered by a friend or a mate

Press your feet down into what lies beneath
What’s beneath them will rebound and you’ll take a great leap

Then flit and flap and flutter your wings
Do not give up with the challenge this brings

Your wings will grow strong to elevate you high
Then they'll open and soar on thin air with no try

Because your body remembers just how this goes
Its known it forever and has been aching to grow

For you are not a creature built to stand still
You were born to fly and to live a great thrill

So keep your wings lifted and spread them out wide
Nothing more to do but enjoy this great ride

At the end of the day, rest your sweet bones
Find a tree to take solace; know you’re never alone

As the sky grows dark and turns into night
Sing one last song of praise and delight

Sing thanks for the riches, the abundance of beauty
Singing reverence for the gift of this life is your duty

As the moon and the stars shine over your bed
Close your eyes and take rest for a new day ahead

For tomorrow is a day totally new
It is the only day; made solely for you


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