slow down. you're going way too fast.

Slow down. You’re going way too fast.
You’re burning your energy and depleting your resources. You’ve become so concerned with what’s happening outside that you’ve forgotten how to listen to what’s happening inside.

Slow down. You’re going way too fast.
Allow yourself moments with only you. Even in the moments when there are others around. Grant yourself permission to be quiet. Listening is only possible when you’re quiet. Get quiet enough to listen. And once you do,listen for as long as you need. Listen until you can hear your heart
beating inside the cavity of your chest.
Slow down. You’re going way too fast.
Breathe into the stillness of your soul. She never leaves you. You only forget that she’s there. Become still enough to feel her.
Slow down. You’re going way too fast.
You say you want to uncover your purpose. Well, nobody is going to hand you the magic key. The door is within you for you and only you to open.
Quit searching and practice patience.
Slow down. You’re going way too fast.


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